ποΈ API Gateway
An API Gateway is the entry point to access various capabilities of a complex platform via well-defined APIs.
14 items
ποΈ Auth0
- Identity provider for Applications
ποΈ Azure
6 items
ποΈ Caching
ποΈ Cassandra
- Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep
ποΈ Setting up DNS
Domain Acquisition
ποΈ Docker
ποΈ Drupal
- Out of the box Content Management System, with minimal coding.
ποΈ ElasticSearch
Why Focus on the Index? Why Not the Cluster?
ποΈ Forward Proxy vs. Reverse Proxy
forward proxy
ποΈ Heroku β
Infrastructure as a Service Provider
ποΈ How it works
!Pasted image 20230322204912.png
ποΈ Concepts
19 items
ποΈ Linux
1 items
ποΈ Load Balancer
## Excerpt
ποΈ MongoDB
- NoSQL Database
- Very famous all purpose relational database
ποΈ What
- with NGINX, you can use the same tool as your load balancer, reverse proxy, content cache, and web server, minimizing the amount of tooling and configuration your organization needs to maintain.
ποΈ Neo4j
- Graph Database focused more on the relationship of the nodes, common use case is social media platforms to keep track of user relationships.
ποΈ Observability
- Leading indicators versus Lagging Indicators
ποΈ Platform Mckinsey
ποΈ Rabbit vs Kafka
- using keys
ποΈ Salt Stack
What is Salt Stack? Salt Stack is an orchestration tool that can be very useful if you are in a microservices architecture, but need to perform individual command on seperate instances. (or you lack Kubernetes/Helm to orchestrate your releases)
ποΈ Service Mesh
ποΈ Sonar
Automated Code Quality and Vulnerabilities Scanner
ποΈ Terraform β
- Infrastructure as Code
ποΈ Terraform
What is Terraform?
ποΈ Main Topics
2 items
ποΈ Event Sourcing
system design patterns
ποΈ Concepts
- cloud
ποΈ Kafka β
3 items
ποΈ Networking
!Pasted image 20221007211724.png
ποΈ nginx
3 items
ποΈ Proof of Concept Checklist
- Building a new application from scratch check list
ποΈ Asynchronous vs Synchronous
ποΈ Traefik
- Load Balancing and Reverse Proxy Management using Docker Containers.
ποΈ Vagrant
- Spin up VM via code
ποΈ virtualization
ποΈ web-servers
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